Respect for Nature Is Key to World’s Water Problems, Author Says
In the face of extreme weather, polluted aquifers, overconsumption and other urgent threats to...

Utility Alternatives Offer New Options for Energy Customers
New report by the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation assesses the options available to Santa Monica...

New Study Addresses Barriers to Electric Vehicle Charging in Multi-unit Dwellings
Reaching California’s goal of 1.5 million zero emission vehicles by 2025 will require overcoming current...

A New Tool to Help Plan for Expected Growth in Electric Vehicles
Luskin Center’s Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness Atlas informs investments, policies and plans to...

Unlocking Millions of Dollars in State Incentives for Solar Power
New research by GRID Alternatives and UCLA Luskin Center quantifies the opportunities and potential...

Relocating Bus Stops would Cut Riders’ Pollution Exposure
Moving bus stops away from intersections would substantially reduce the amount of pollution bus...

Lessons Learned from a Concrete River
Like many Angelenos, you may only be familiar with the Los Angeles River thanks to movies like Grease, in which Danny beats his nemesis in a car chase...

Assessing Trailhead Use in the Santa Monica Mountains
The LA region is home to the nation’s largest urban national park, the Santa Monica Mountains...

Assessing Carbon, Air Quality, Public Health, & Financial Impacts of California’s Climate Measures
The passage of Senate Bill 32 (SB 32) in 2016 kicked off the next generation of climate action in California...