The climate crisis is here. Our research guides equitable and effective climate policies, programs and investments to reduce pollution while building resilience to extreme heat and other climate impacts, with a focus on highly impacted communities and populations.
Our Research
Heat Equity
Temperatures are rising. We conduct research to inform evidence-based governance and policy to improve heat-vulnerable communities’ health and well-being. See research findings.
Adaptation and Resilience
The climate crisis is a threat multiplier for inequality. Our research provides a guide for climate resiliency, with a focus on vulnerable populations and communities. See research findings.
Transformative Climate Communities
We work with frontline neighborhoods to track and uplift their local climate action. Our recommendations help scale these investments to other communities. See research findings.
Climate Investments
Our research has informed how billions of dollars from state and federal investments have flowed into communities. We work with frontline neighborhoods to track and uplift their local climate action supported by these programs. Our recommendations help scale these investments to other communities. See research findings.
Climate Policy
There is still time to curb the worst impacts of climate change. Our work helps to measure and scale California’s groundbreaking programs that reduce emissions and improve air quality. See research findings.