Implementing Feed-in Tariff Programs
Comparative Analyses and Lessons Learned

Rethinking a Digital First Sale Doctrine in a Post- Kirtsaeng World
The Case for Caution

San Pedro Bay Ports Energy Baseline Study
Workshop Presentation

Moving Towards Resiliency
An Assessment of the Costs and Benefits of Energy Security Investments for the San Pedro Bay Ports

2013 IMPACT Report
This report highlights major research findings and other top…

PEVs: The First Three Years (of the post-modern electric-vehicle era)
U.S. PEV Sales Trends & Analysis: Dec 2010-Nov 2013

Decrypting the Fifth Amendment
The Limits of Self-Incrimination in the Digital Era

Recording Everything
Digital Storage as an Enabler of Authoritarian Governments

Achieving Proposition 39’s Clean Energy Promise
Investing in Jobs, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Resources

Clean Tech Database User Guide for Los Angeles: Excerpts from the Executive Summary
Author: Colleen Callahan