Innovating From the Inside Out

A Policy Framework for the Los Angeles Clean Innovation Lab

Financial Analysis of Solar Project Options for UCLA

Authors: Colleen Callahan, J.R. DeShazo, and Wayne Chomitz

Los Angeles Solar Atlas

Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Ryan Matulka and Norman Wong

Southern California Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan

Authors:  J.R. DeShazo and Ayala Ben-Yehuda

Southern California Plug-in Electric Vehicle Atlas

Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Ayala Ben-Yehuda, and Norman Wong

Second Life for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Batteries

Effect of Grid Energy Storage Value on Battery Lease Payments

Pathways to Environmental Justice

Advancing a Framework for Evaluation

Proceedings Report from Closing the Environmental Justice Gap

A Workshop on Advancing Evaluation Methods

Engaging Municipalities

Voluntary Climate Change Action in Canada

Financial Viability of Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Authors: Daniel Chang, Daniel Erstad, Ellen Lin, Alicia Rice,…