Wildfire and Water Supply in California
Advancing a Research and Policy Agenda

Evaluating the Clean Up Green Up Program
A Multi-Stakeholder Assessment of Programmatic Understanding & Alignment

‘Accept Half of Something, or Nothing At All?’ Brazil’s National Solid Waste Policy and the Coalition Politics of a Blue-Brown Alliance
Brazil's 2010 Politica Nacional de Residuos Solidos (National…

Keeping the Stove On
COVID-19 and Utility Debt in Communities Served by Southern California Gas Company

Gas Bill Debt Disproportionately Burdens Low-Income Neighborhoods
As California’s utility shutoff ban ends, UCLA research shows where unpaid gas utility bills proliferated amid the pandemic.

State can do more to protect Californians from extreme heat
Top environmental policy experts say a comprehensive approach is needed to deal with state’s deadliest global-warming side effect

Preparing for Extreme Heat in California
Assessing Gaps in State-Level Policies and Funding Opportunities

Making Justice40 a Reality for Frontline Communities
Lessons from State Approaches to Climate and Clean Energy Investments

Turner and Colleagues Receive Grant to Pinpoint Sources of Heat Injustice
Through modeling, data and storytelling, researchers will explore why historically redlined neighborhoods face extreme heat burdens today.

Researchers Call for Attention to ‘Heat Governance’ to Protect Those Most at Risk from Extreme Heat
V. Kelly Turner and coauthors outline necessary components of an equitable strategy to address extreme heat