LOCAL SOURCE DEVELOPMENT • WATER REUSE • CONSERVATION • DESALINATION • AND MORELocal source development promises greater reliability, water security and progressively more cost-effective sources of water. This summit will highlight success stories from across the globe, explore emerging water reuse strategies, and identify critical policy, communications and coalition-building questions for the region.
Who should attend: The event will bring together thought leaders from water agencies, universities, the private sector, and non-profits to assess future strategies for further developing local water sources in Southern California. Participants will engage in the latest technology, research, policy, and implementation strategies.
Program highlights:
Current use of local water sources and why local sources will become more important in the future
Promise and challenges of emerging technologies − including ocean desalination and indirect and direct potable reuse of wastewater and contaminated groundwater − as well as improvements in water conservation programs
Lessons learned to communicate the social benefits of new technologies
Forming public-private partnerships to assist agencies in developing new water sources
New coalitions and organizational strategies to effectively develop these sources
Click here for full agenda.
LOCATION: Downtown L.A. at the Japanese American National Museum, 369 East First StreetTIME: January 27, 2012 from 8:15 am – 5:30 pm, followed by a reception