Pricing Workplace Charging
Financial Viability and Fueling Costs
Authors: Brett Williams, J.R. DeShazoPricing Plug-in Electric Vehicle Recharging in Multi-Unit Dwellings
Financial Viability and Fueling Costs
Authors: Brett Williams and J.R. DeShazoLos Angeles Solar and Efficiency Report (LASER)
An Atlas of Investment Potential in Los Angeles County Version 2.0
Authors: Colleen Callahan, J.R. DeShazo, Henry McCann, and Norman WongCritical Review: Regulatory Incentives and Impediments for Onsite Graywater Reuse in the United States
Authors: Zita L.T. Yu, Anditya Rahardianto, J.R. DeShazo, Michael K. Stenstrom, Yoram Cohen
Western Riverside Plug-in Electric Vehicle Deployment Plan
Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Ayala Ben-Yehuda, Norman Wong, Vicky Hsu
South Bay Cities Plug-in Electric Vehicle Deployment Plan
Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Ayala Ben-Yehuda, Norman Wong, and Alex Turek