Introducing our new project manager and researcher, Alex Aguirre Levitas
Learn more about our newest team member and her research

Do Urban Water Supply Systems Put Out Wildfires?
The January 2025 wildfires devastated LA. This FAQ about wildfires provides clear, accurate answers to the most common questions we heard from the public, media, and policymakers about fire hydrants, firefighting, water infrastructure, and more after the devastating LA wildfires in 2025.

¿Los Sistemas de Agua Urbana Pueden Apagar Incendios Forestales?
Los incendios forestales de enero de 2025 devastaron Los Ángeles. Este documento de preguntas frecuentes proporciona respuestas claras y precisas a las preguntas más comunes que escuchamos del público, los medios y los responsables de políticas públicas sobre los hidrantes contra incendios, el abastecimiento de agua para la extinción de incendios, la infraestructura hídrica y más.

UCLA partners with new independent Blue Ribbon Commission for climate-resilient L.A. fire recovery
UCLA scholars will provide research-informed options to inform policy recommendations to rebuild, retrofit, and catalyze climate-resiliency investments.

For the Press: UCLA research and commentary on the LA fire response and recovery
Our experts are available to comment on: 1) water supply and urban water systems; 2) air quality and public health impacts; 3) land use and governance considerations; 4) politics of disaster and response; and 5) climate whiplash and extreme weather.