Efficiently Energizing Job Creation in Los Angeles
Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Alex Turek, Michael Samulon

Building a Greener LA
Examining Energy Efficiency Policies for Existing Buildings

Sharing Solar’s Promise
Harnessing LA's FIT to Create Jobs and Build Social Equity

FIT 100 in Los Angeles
An Evaluation of Early Progress

Los Angeles Solar and Efficiency Report (LASER)
An Atlas of Investment Potential in Los Angeles County Version 2.0

Implementing Feed-in Tariff Programs
Comparative Analyses and Lessons Learned

San Pedro Bay Ports Energy Baseline Study
Workshop Presentation

Moving Towards Resiliency
An Assessment of the Costs and Benefits of Energy Security Investments for the San Pedro Bay Ports

2013 IMPACT Report
This report highlights major research findings and other top…

Achieving Proposition 39’s Clean Energy Promise
Investing in Jobs, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Resources