Employment Benefits from California Climate Investments and Co-investments

Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Jason Karpman, Weilong (David) Kong,…

Can Smog Repairs Create Social Justice?

The Tune In & Tune Up Smog Repair Program in the San Joaquin Valley

2017 IMPACT Report

This report highlights major research findings and other top…

Golden Opportunity: Affordable Housing in the Solar Metropolis

Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Michael Kadish, and Alex Turek

Design and Implementation of the Enhanced Fleet Modernization Plus-Up Pilot Program

Lessons Learned from the San Joaquin Valley and South Coast Air Districts’ First Year of Operation

The Promises and Challenges of Community Choice Aggregation in California

Authors: Julien Gattaciecca, J.R. DeShazo, and Kelly Trumbul…

Promoting Healthy Food Choices for Children

A strategic analysis on how to incorporate behavioral economics into nutrition education programs

2016 IMPACT Report

This report highlights major research findings and other top stories from the collaborative work of the Luskin Center in 2016.