Efficiently Energizing Job Creation in Los Angeles

Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Alex Turek, Michael Samulon

Investment Justice Through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Implementing SB 535 and Advancing Climate Action in Disadvantaged Communities

Sharing Solar’s Promise

Harnessing LA's FIT to Create Jobs and Build Social Equity

2013 IMPACT Report

This report highlights major research findings and other top…

Pathways to Environmental Justice

Advancing a Framework for Evaluation

2012 IMPACT Report

This report highlights major research findings and other top…

Empowering LA’s Solar Workforce

New Policies that Deliver Investments and Jobs

Closing the Environmental Justice Gap

A Workshop on Advancing Evaluation Methods (Pre-Workshop Briefing Paper)

Making a Market

Multifamily Rooftop Solar and Social Equity in Los Angeles

2011 IMPACT Report

This report highlights major research findings and other top stories from the collaborative work of the Luskin Center in 2011.