UCLA Identifying Strategies for Carbon Neutrality in Transportation

A team of researchers from UCLA and other UC campuses will embark on a landmark study to achieve carbon neutrality

Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach Could be Ground Zero for Zero-Emission Trucks

Electric trucks will be financially viable in the 2020s, finds UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation report that reveals...

Electric Grid Likely to Accommodate Electric Vehicles in the Near Term but Longer Term Questions Remain

Analysis by UCLA contributes to the Transportation Electrification Blueprint for the County of Los Angeles

Zero-Emission Drayage Trucks

Challenges and Opportunities for the San Pedro Bay Ports

Charging Infrastructure Strategies

Maximizing the Deployment of Electric Drayage Trucks in Southern California

Justice — and Smog Checks — for All

New study finds that the Tune In & Tune Up smog repair program in the San Joaquin Valley efficiently tackles pollution and poverty...

Can Smog Repairs Create Social Justice?

The Tune In & Tune Up Smog Repair Program in the San Joaquin Valley

2017 IMPACT Report

This report highlights major research findings and other top…