QUARTERLY ECONOMIC OUTLOOKOur December UCLA Anderson Forecast will address the critical infrastructure investments that California requires for a prosperous future. Some of these requirements are made obvious by our daily commutes past parched lawns and dying trees, on roads crowded with vehicles and peppered with potholes, while avoiding the latest water-main breaks. “More of the same” is not the answer for roads and water infrastructure. We need infrastructure that allows us to use more effectively the limited space and the limited water that nature has provided. To attract the creative workers who are so important for the prosperity of all of us, we need better quality-of-life infrastructure to complement the extraordinary climate that we enjoy in California. Sunshine alone is no longer enough. The time has come to express our optimism with action on all of these fronts.Keynote Speaker: TBAPrice: $195 | Online registration closes 11:59 p.m. on 12/7/2014AGENDA7:30 – 8:30aRegistration and Breakfast8:30 – 8:35aWelcome and Introductions8:35 – 9:35aUCLA Anderson Forecast for the Nation and State9:35 – 10:05aPanel 1: Utilities in an Age of Shortage10:05 – 10:25aBreak10:25 – 10:45aIntroduction of Keynote Address10:45 – 11:15aKeynote Address11:15 – 11:45aPanel 2 – Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Moving the California Economy11:45aWrap-up and Closing
KEY TOPICSIs the Economy on track for consistent 3% growth?How worrisome will inflation be?Will a failing infrastructure thwart growth in the years ahead?Will the tech sector growth continue to carry the State economy?Do geysers at UCLA portend an infrastructure impaired future?How long does Los Angeles’ infrastructure investment compare to other cities?
SPEAKERSEdward Leamer, Director, UCLA Anderson ForecastDavid Shulman, Senior Economist, UCLA Anderson ForecastJerry Nickelsburg, Senior Economist, UCLA Anderson ForecastWilliam Yu, Economist, UCLA Anderson ForecastAndy Lipkis, President, Tree PeopleJeff Kightlinger, General Manager, Metropolitan Water DistrictBret Lane, COO, Southern California Gas CompanyMatthew Kahn, Professor, Institute of the Environment, UCLA Luskin School of Public AffairsOtis L. Cliatt II, President, Pacific Harbor Line, Inc.Roger Johnson, Deputy Director, Los Angeles World AirportsAurthur T. Leahy, CEO, Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityJ.R. DeShazo, Director, Luskin center for Innovation, Professor, UCLA Luskin School of Public PolicyRon Galperin, Controller of the City of Los AngelesSPONSORSPlatinum SponsorGold Sponsor Silver Sponsors