Addressing the Discriminatory Impacts of Redlining and Highway Development in California
Authors: Jantzen Hale, Isaac Bushnell, Elizabeth Flores, Itzel Vasquez-rodriguez, Makenna Cavanaugh
Gaining support from key local stakeholders to advance high-impact water affordability policies in the U.S.
Workshop informs key takeaways to build support for high-impact water affordability policies.
Making the Most of Landmark Recycled Water Investments in Los Angeles
Technical Advisory Recommendations for the Region
Authors: Edith B. de Guzman and Gregory Pierce
UCLA to guide the prioritization and evaluation of equity strategies for LADWP’s clean energy transition
New engaged research builds on LCI’s past affordability recommendations
UCLA to lead the new Center of Excellence for Heat Resilient Communities
LCI receives a first-of-its-kind federal grant to help protect communities from heat dangers
Downsizing local news contributes to crumbling infrastructure
Study co-authored by LCI faculty director links local journalism with voter support for investments critical for climate resilience
Climate resilience panels drew crowds at UCLA Luskin Summit
LCI and civic partners shared lessons on cooling strategies and community-led climate action