California State Capitol BuildingWayne Hsieh / Flickr

Funding School Heat Management

A California School Heat Equity Fact Sheet

Turning Down the Heat

Addressing Heat Inequities of Frontline Communities in Los Angeles
South Bay Aqueduct Santa Clara Terminal Reservoir

Metropolitan Water District and Its Local Resources Program

Implications for Regional Water Supply and Infrastructure Equity
Residents vote at a TCC community meeting in Fresno, CA—one of the first grantee communities.California Strategic Growth Council, 2023

Pathways to Advance Equity in Federal Programs

Opportunities for Integrating California’s Strategies for Equitable Climate Investments

Identifying and Addressing Heat Inequities in the City of Los Angeles

A study for the LA City Climate Emergency Mobilization Office (CEMO)

Beyond Incentives: Lessons from a Community Outreach Campaign Supporting Electric Vehicle Purchase Uptake

Lessons from a Community Outreach Campaign Supporting Electric Vehicle Purchase Uptake

Green Together

2023 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Ontario Together

2023 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Watts Rising

2023 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant