Benefits of Infrastructure Funding Measures Stymied by Barriers in L.A. County
As billions of dollars become available, UCLA-Liberty Hill Foundation report recommends actions for community-informed, integrated infrastructure to improve quality of life for Angelenos

Transformative Climate Communities Build Resilience During Pandemic
New UCLA reports find that local knowledge, partnerships and trust that TCC partners have in their communities allowed them to identify changing needs and respond quickly during the pandemic.

Green Together
A Baseline Progress Report on Early Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Ontario Together
Year 2 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Watts Rising
Year 2 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Transform Fresno
Year 2 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Mobilizing the Transformative Power of WHAM
Overcoming Obstacles to Integrated Infrastructure Investments in Los Angeles County

Decarbonizing California Transportation by 2045
Report to state outlines policy pathways to meet the zero-carbon time crunch