- The world’s largest annual net zero building conference!
- 1,200+ attendees and 100+ exhibitors
- Leading global speakers and attendees (9 countries and 23 states represented last year)
- 6th annual conference
- Inspiring keynote speakers
- World-class education sessions
- Professional networking
- Expo Hall with exhibitions from industry-leading companies
- Content on net zero energy, water, waste, and transit
- See discounted ticket options below
General Schedule:
- Wednesday, 10/2: Building Tours (8 am – 5 pm), Net Zero Start Up Competition (3 pm – 5 pm), Pre-Conference Party Hosted by ILFI (6 pm – 10 pm)
- Thursday, 10/3: Main Conference & Expo Day (8 am – 5 pm), Robin Hood Benefit Gala (6 pm – 10 pm)
- Friday, 10/4: Building Tours (8 am – 5 pm), ILFI Zero Energy Accelerator (8 am – 12 pm)*, ILFI LBC 4.0 Workshop (12:30 pm – 4:30 pm)*, Post-Conference Party Hosted by USGBC-LA (5 pm – 7 pm)
*Tickets sold separately
Need-Based Conference Tickets:
Thanks to a generous sponsorship from Southern California Edison, a pool of free tickets for need-based attendees is available. If you find the event to be cost-prohibitive to attend, please contact hello@verdicalevents.com for information on how to obtain a free need-based ticket.
Speaker Registration:
Confirmed speakers and panelists receive complimentary registration for the Main Conference Day (10/3) only. If you’re speaking and wish to attend the full conference (10/2 – 10/4), please contact hello@verdicalevents.com to receive a $100 discount on the Full Conference Pass (includes admittance to all Tours, Main Conference, Expo Hall, and the Robin Hood Gala).
City Employee Discount:
City/Municipal Employees are eligible to receive 10% off NZ19 tickets. Please contact hello@verdicalevents.com for more information.
SCE Diverse Supplier Discount:
Southern California Edison-identified diverse suppliers are eligible to receive 10% off NZ19 tickets. Please contact hello@verdicalevents.com for more information. (Applies to first 20 applicants only.)
Volunteer Opportunities:
Interested in volunteering at NZ19? Contact hello@verdicalevents.com for more information. Volunteers will receive complimentary access for all events that take place on the day(s) of volunteering.
Photographic Release: There will be photographers and film crews at the event. By signing up for a registration pass, you understand that you may appear in photographs or film footage from the conference.