Welcome to our new associate project manager, Lauren Dunlap

Learn more about her research at the nexus of energy justice and climate adaptation
Play structure at school shaded by shade sails overheadJames St. John / Flickr

Protecting Students from Heat Outdoors

A California School Heat Equity Fact Sheet
Student athletes sit on artificial turf football field at sunriseHarker School Staff Photographer / Wikimedia Commons

Changing Behavior on Hot School Days

A California School Heat Equity Fact Sheet
California State Capitol BuildingWayne Hsieh / Flickr

Funding School Heat Management

A California School Heat Equity Fact Sheet
An example of courtyard shade and a nature-based outdoor learning environment at Esperanza Elementary School, Los Angeles.V. Kelly Turner / Luskin Center for Innovation

Turning Down the Heat

Addressing Heat Inequities of Frontline Communities in Los Angeles
Residents vote at a TCC community meeting in Fresno, CA—one of the first grantee communities.California Strategic Growth Council, 2023

Pathways to Advance Equity in Federal Programs

Opportunities for Integrating California’s Strategies for Equitable Climate Investments

Investments facilitate community-led climate action

New progress reports from UCLA show how the Transformative Climate Communities program deepens capacity in California communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis

Shining a light on hidden corners of environmental injustice

Catherine Coleman Flowers fights for the health and dignity of rural communities where water and sanitation systems are failing
An example of courtyard shade and a nature-based outdoor learning environment at Esperanza Elementary School, Los Angeles.V. Kelly Turner / Luskin Center for Innovation

California’s K-12 education system is under-prepared for rising temperatures

Heat makes it harder for students to learn and for teachers to teach. Previous research supported by the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation quantified how these effects exacerbate educational and racial inequalities.