On the fires, from UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation

In the coming weeks, we will work with our colleagues at UCLA and partners across the region to help shape efforts that expedite recovery while advancing equity and resilience in our rapidly changing environment.

UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation releases Strategic Roadmap

Journeying through 15 years of impact, our priorities for the next few years, and opportunities to partner

UCLA LCI joins international team to support community-driven energy transition planning

A coalition of universities and community organizations aims to integrate justice principles into local efforts.

UCLA Documents a Model for Community-Led Climate Action

This video highlights three CA Transformative Climate Communities leading comprehensive, collaborative, equitable, and innovative climate action.

La acción climática impulsada por la comunidad genera beneficios económicos

Nuevos informes de UCLA documentan cómo las inversiones del estado en Transformative Climate Communities traen ganancias financieras para hogares, trabajadores y la economía local.

Community-driven climate action spurs economic benefits

New reports from UCLA document how state investments in Transformative Climate Communities reap financial wins for households, workers, and the local economy.

UCLA to guide the prioritization and evaluation of equity strategies for LADWP’s clean energy transition

New engaged research builds on LCI’s past affordability recommendations.

A bus ad created for the 2023 HeatSafeLA campaign Effectively communicating about heat risk requires deep community engagement

To reach heat-impacted communities, LCI report recommends heat communicators combine outreach strategies into targeted campaigns.

2023 Impact Report: Our New Era of Shaping Effective and Equitable Environmental Policy Solutions

A brief, interactive summary of select environmental policy impacts in 2023

UCLA guides LADWP as it pursues the first equity-focused clean energy transition

LCI’s first-of-its-kind study includes recommendations on how to expand low-income customer protections

Student athletes sit on artificial turf football field at sunriseHarker School Staff Photographer / Wikimedia Commons Researchers equip policymakers to protect students from extreme heat

LCI releases fact sheets and visuals to inform policy and funding decisions for heat-resilient K-12 schools

Welcome to our new associate project manager, Lauren Dunlap

Learn more about her research at the nexus of energy justice and climate adaptation

Investments facilitate community-led climate action

New progress reports from UCLA show how the Transformative Climate Communities program deepens capacity in California communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis

Shining a light on hidden corners of environmental injustice

Catherine Coleman Flowers fights for the health and dignity of rural communities where water and sanitation systems are failing

An example of courtyard shade and a nature-based outdoor learning environment at Esperanza Elementary School, Los Angeles.V. Kelly Turner / Luskin Center for Innovation California’s K-12 education system is under-prepared for rising temperatures

Heat makes it harder for students to learn and for teachers to teach. Previous research supported by the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation quantified how these effects exacerbate educational and racial inequalities.

New roadmap sets forth path toward comprehensively assessing the nation’s drinking water quality for the first time

UCLA Luskin researchers and Rural Community Assistance Partnership Incorporated plan to implement the recommendations over the next five years

Welcome to our new climate action researcher, Samantha Astudillo

Learn more about our newest team member and her research

Celebrating our impact in 2022

Meet our new faculty director and explore our actionable research for a sustainable future in our new Impact Report

Collaborators celebrate the unveiling of a new bus shelter in Oasis, California New shade shelter prototype aims to keep transit riders cool

Community-driven research strives to prevent heat-related illnesses

Person wiping forehead, hot in the sun California needs a people-focused and equity-driven approach to address extreme heat

New research aims to further inform the state’s heat planning, legislative and budget decisions

Transformative Climate Communities Build Resilience During Pandemic

New UCLA reports find that local knowledge, partnerships and trust that TCC partners have in their communities allowed them to identify changing needs and respond quickly during the pandemic.