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Design and Implementation of the Enhanced Fleet Modernization Plus-Up Pilot Program

Lessons Learned from the San Joaquin Valley and South Coast Air Districts’ First Year of Operation

September 2017

Siting Analysis for Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in the City of Santa Monica

Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Sam Krumholz, Norman Wong, Jason Karpman

September 2017

The Promises and Challenges of Community Choice Aggregation in California

Authors: Julien Gattaciecca, J.R. DeShazo, and Kelly Trumbull

July 2017

Lower Los Angeles River Revitalization

An Inclusive Approach to Planning, Implementation, and Community Engagement

Authors: Delia Arriaga, Ana Bonilla, Lily Brown, Paige Colton, Babak Dorji, David Fenn, Samah Itani, Kevin Johnson, Johnny Le, Alex Linz, Jacqueline Martinez, Sarah Mercurio, Uday Ram, Tony Tonnu, Julie Wedig

June 2017

Quenching Los Angeles’ Thirst

Evaluating Policy Options for Incentive Amounts and Financial Instruments to Increased Cistern Installation in Single-Family Homes in Los Angeles

Authors: Dennis Avila, Bert Pineda, Taro Tokai, Wendy Yanan Wang

June 2017

Prioritizing Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging Station Investments in Los Angeles County

Authors: James Di Filippo, Mahito Moriyama, Toru Terai, Kelly Trumbull, and Jiahui Zhang

June 2017

Promoting Healthy Food Choices for Children

A strategic analysis on how to incorporate behavioral economics into nutrition education programs

Authors: Sydney Ganon, Hiroto Iwaoka, Jonathan Mcllroy, and Sarah White

June 2017

Adopting County Policies which Limit Public Water System Sprawl and Promote Small System Consolidation

Author: Larry Lai

June 2017

Liquid Gold: Communicating About Stormwater in Los Angeles

Author: Rachel E. Roque

June 2017

2016 IMPACT Report

This report highlights major research findings and other top stories from the collaborative work of the Luskin Center in 2016.

March 2017