LCI co-develops decision-making framework and toolkit that centers equity in tree planting
To help address historic underinvestment and protect against extreme heat

UCLA evaluates L.A.’s plan to invest billions of dollars in wastewater recycling infrastructure
To increase water supply resiliency to climate-induced drought, earthquakes, and future costs

La acción climática impulsada por la comunidad genera beneficios económicos
Nuevos informes de UCLA documentan cómo las inversiones del estado en Transformative Climate Communities traen ganancias financieras para hogares, trabajadores y la economía local.

Community-driven climate action spurs economic benefits
New reports from UCLA document how state investments in Transformative Climate Communities reap financial wins for households, workers, and the local economy.

California’s clean vehicle transition is not so equitable (yet)
LCI research team finds gaps in incentive uptake and EV registration rates in disadvantaged communities.

UCLA study of wildfire smoke’s long-term health effects finds upwards of 50,000 deaths in 11 years
LCI project director calculates an associated economic impact of more than $430 billion.

Gaining support from key local stakeholders to advance high-impact water affordability policies in the U.S.
Workshop informs key takeaways to build support for high-impact water affordability policies.

UCLA to guide the prioritization and evaluation of equity strategies for LADWP’s clean energy transition
New engaged research builds on LCI’s past affordability recommendations.

UCLA to lead the new Center of Excellence for Heat Resilient Communities
LCI receives a first-of-its-kind federal grant to help protect communities from heat dangers.