California is making big, hyperlocal investments to fight climate change — and it’s working

New UCLA progress reports show how the Transformative Climate Communities program is improving the lives of Californians
Image of heat mapping for Watts, LA

Turner and Colleagues Receive Grant to Pinpoint Sources of Heat Injustice

Through modeling, data and storytelling, researchers will explore why historically redlined neighborhoods face extreme heat burdens today.

Symposium Convenes Climate Adaptation Experts Amid Intensifying Heat, Fires and Floods

With 24 virtual sessions, the symposium featured the research and expertise of 98 speakers across the social sciences, including economics, geography, public health, urban planning and public policy.

A Smart Way to Make a SMART Park

New toolkit produced by the Luskin Center for Innovation provides a guide for making parks more user-friendly and sustainable...

Respect for Nature Is Key to World’s Water Problems, Author Says

In the face of extreme weather, polluted aquifers, overconsumption and other urgent threats to...

Lessons Learned from a Concrete River

Like many Angelenos, you may only be familiar with the Los Angeles River thanks to movies like Grease, in which Danny beats his nemesis in a car chase...

Assessing Trailhead Use in the Santa Monica Mountains

The LA region is home to the nation’s largest urban national park, the Santa Monica Mountains...