Ontario Together

2022 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Authors: Jason Karpman, Erin Coutts, Elena Hernandez, Bo Liu, Kelly Trumbull and V. Kelly Turner

Finding the Link

Evaluating the Link Program, Community Engagement, Funding Capacity and Climate Resilience

Author: Yassaman Sarvian

Making Park Equity Real

An Evaluation of the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program

Author: Ariana Hernandez
A large pile of plastic waste in a landfill

The Perils of Plastic

Tracking Environmental, Climate, and Human Impacts of Plastic Production, Use and Disposal

Authors: Daniel Coffee and Richard Diaz

Wildfire and Water Supply in California

Advancing a Research and Policy Agenda

Authors: Gregory Pierce, Peter Roquemore and Faith Kearns

Evaluating the Clean Up Green Up Program

A Multi-Stakeholder Assessment of Programmatic Understanding & Alignment

Author: Monika Shankar

Keeping the Stove On

COVID-19 and Utility Debt in Communities Served by Southern California Gas Company

Authors: Paul M. Ong, Silvia González, Kelly Trumbull, and Gregory Pierce

Gas Bill Debt Disproportionately Burdens Low-Income Neighborhoods

As California’s utility shutoff ban ends, UCLA research shows where unpaid gas utility bills proliferated amid the pandemic.
In foreground, red octagonal sign reads "STOP Extreme Heat Danger" - People walk near beach in background

State can do more to protect Californians from extreme heat

Top environmental policy experts say a comprehensive approach is needed to deal with state’s deadliest global-warming side effect