Los Angeles County Small Water System Risk Assessment
Authors: Gregory Pierce, Peter Roquemore and Kelly Trumbull
Keeping the Lights and Heat On
COVID-19 Utility Debt in Communities Served by Pacific Gas and Electric
Authors: Paul M. Ong, Silvia R. González, Kelly Trumbull and Gregory PierceEquity-Focused Heat Adaptation Strategies for Los Angeles County
Authors: Hanqing Chu, Jacqueline Adams, Jiaxin Li, and Sarah Goldmuntz
Supporting Land Conservation in California
A Toolkit of Financial Incentives for Landowners and Communities
Author: Robyn WongUrban Drinking Water Governing Bodies
Representation and Accountability of Systems to Los Angeles County’s Residents
Author: Elise TroxellExpanding Potential for Electric Vehicles in Apartments and Workplaces in Southern California
Mapping tool informs where investments can unlock latent demand for electric vehicles