Hosted by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC)
In collaboration with the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation (LCI)
The SGC’s Climate Change Research Program staff will host Listening Sessions throughout the state, to learn from non-traditional research partners about how the SGC’s research investments can support climate research that engages and benefits communities in California.
On May 8, 2019, a Listening Session will take place at UCLA. LCI director J.R. DeShazo will give welcome remarks. LCI is part of two Round I Partnership Grants awarded through the SGC’s Climate Change Research Program. Read more about these initiatives here.
Potential workshop participants/research partners include:
- Community-based organizations – including civic, community, and advocacy groups
- Federal research agencies and departments
- Local land use agencies, departments, and organizations
- Local health agencies, departments, and organizations
- Non-profit organizations – including conservation, environmental justice and natural resources
- Open space landowners and recreation providers
- Private sector businesses
- Regional agencies – focused on transportation, resources, and infrastructure
- Regional climate collaboratives
- Tribes
In November 2019, SGC will release the Round 3 Solicitation for its Climate Change Research Program, describing Council priorities for directing $10 million in pending budget appropriations. During the meeting on May 8th, SGC staff will invite your input to inform how SGC can better address community priorities in this and other future rounds of the program. Specifically, staff will ask prospective research partners to discuss:
- How the program’s emphasis on meaningful engagement and science to action supports or could better support the research questions that need to be addressed within their community,
- How researchers can launch robust, diverse, and unique multi-stakeholder partnerships with organizations that can transform research into action, and
- Tips and past experiences on how your organization has successfully partnered with members of the research community.
For information about the Climate Change Research program, visit http://sgc.ca.gov/programs/climate-research/
To review the SGC’s Research Investment Plan, go to http://sgc.ca.gov/programs/climate-research/docs/20181003-Approved-Research_Investment_Plan.pdf