FREE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE HEREKorn Convocation Hall, Entrepreneurs Hall, 3rd FloorUCLA Anderson School of Management 12:30PM to 1:00PM – Registration1:00PM to 3:00PM – Keynote, Panel Presentation, Audience Q&A3:00PM to 4:00PM – Reception, Entrepreneurs Hall Atrium, 2nd Floor.**********KEYNOTEJeffrey T. Mezger, President, Chief Executive Officer and Director, KB HomeMODERATORDavid Hodgins, President and CEO, Sustento Group, LCCPANELISTSMatthew E. Kahn, Director of Research, UCLA […]
“Climate Change, Public Health andViolence in Arctic Canada”Exploiting the differential impact of climate change on the 25 Inuit villages in the territory of Nunavut, Canada whose location spans a north-south distance of 3,000 kilometers allows a natural experiment of the effects of changes in the ice melt on human communities. Using data from quarterly police incident […]
With billions of dollars expected for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (the Fund), California has a tremendous opportunity to make smart investments that will combat climate change while maximizing environmental, public health and economic benefits for disadvantaged communities. SB 535 (de Leόn) requires that at least 25 percent of the moneys in the Fund go to […]
Assemblymember Mike Gatto, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy invite you to a FREE seminar on how current trends will affect future decisions in our community, in everything from development, transportation, and the food we eat.Californians are facing serious threats […]
A symposium on the recent linkage of the California and Quebec cap-and-trade programs and its implication for broader international climate cooperationClick here to RSVP for this event Click here for directions to this eventAt the beginning of this year, California and Quebec linked their greenhouse gas cap-and-trade programs. This means that sources of greenhouse gases in each […]
PUBLIC POLICY FOR INNOVATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE SERIESCreating a Digitally Fluent WorkforceVIEW HIGHLIGHTS, PHOTOS, AND VIDEOModeratorJohn Villasenor Professor of Electrical Engineering and Public Policy, UCLA and Digital Technology Initiative Director, UCLA Luskin Center for InnovationPanelistsLori Harnick General Manager, Citizenship & Public Affairs, MicrosoftSarah Holland Public Policy, GoogleJane Margolis Senior Researcher, UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information StudiesTodd […]
"Every Breath You Take | Every Dollar You'll Make:The Long-Term Consequences of the Clean Air Act of 1970"AbstractThis paper examines the long-term impacts of in-utero andearly childhood exposure to ambient air pollution on adult labor market outcomes. We take advantage of a new administrative data set that is uniquely suited for addressing this question because […]
"Household Demandfor Low Carbon Public Policies: Evidence from California"AbstractIn recent years, Californians have voted on two key pieces of low carbon regulation. The resulting voting patterns provide an opportunity to examine the demand for carbon mitigation efforts. Household voting patterns are found to mirror the voting patterns by the U.S Congress on national carbon legislation. […]
Withthe recent impact of the most severe recession since the Great Depression, and the elimination of redevelopment in California, literally, “Where did all the Money Go?” And how can we still achieve the goals of Smart Growth and Sustainable Community planning? This symposium will be a conversation with a selected group of UCLA alumni from […]