Report for the National Park Service

A California Case Study

Lessons Learned from the Feed-in Tariff Program and Recommendations for Program Expansion

Heat Reduces Student Learning, and Low-income and Minority Students are Affected Disproportionally

Challenges and Opportunities for the San Pedro Bay Ports

Addressing Tap Water Mistrust through Affordable Premise Plumbing Investments

Protecting Marine Environments in Small Island Developing States in the Pacific

Recommendations for Los Angeles County

Sustainable Wastewater Management Strategies for Hotels in the Kingdom of Tonga

Maximizing the Deployment of Electric Drayage Trucks in Southern California

The Proposed Poseidon Ocean Water Desalination Plant in Orange County

A Road Map for Assessing Progress and Results of the First Round of Place-based Initiatives

A Case Study of Investments by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power