Model Metropolis
How one university’s environmental initiative is transforming Los Angeles—and setting the standard for sustainability efforts around the world...

Transformative Climate Communities Evaluation Plan
A Road Map for Assessing Progress and Results of the First Round of Place-based Initiatives

Gore, DeShazo Share Insights on California’s Climate Leadership
More than 2,200 people eager to learn how to make a difference in the future of the planet came together...

Employment Benefits from California Climate Investments and Co-investments
Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Jason Karpman, Weilong (David) Kong,…

New Grants Totaling $4.1 Million Will Build Climate Resilience
As part of efforts to further knowledge and action on climate change, the Luskin Center for Innovation...

Supporting Transformative Climate Communities through Evaluation
The Luskin Center for Innovation is the evaluator for California's new and ambitious Transformative...

Climate Funds Create Jobs
Luskin Center for Innovation releases study that quantifies statewide employment benefits from billions of dollars in California Climate Investment...

2017 IMPACT Report
This report highlights major research findings and other top…

Assessing Carbon, Air Quality, Public Health, & Financial Impacts of California’s Climate Measures
The passage of Senate Bill 32 (SB 32) in 2016 kicked off the next generation of climate action in California...

2016 IMPACT Report
This report highlights major research findings and other top stories from the collaborative work of the Luskin Center in 2016.