California is making big, hyperlocal investments to fight climate change — and it’s working

New UCLA progress reports show how the Transformative Climate Communities program is improving the lives of Californians

Watts Rising

2022 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Authors: Kelly Trumbull, Erin Coutts, Elena Hernandez, Jason Karpman, Bo Liu and V. Kelly Turner

Transform Fresno

2022 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Authors: Erin Coutts, Dinan Guan, Elena Hernandez, Jason Karpman, Bo Liu, Kelly Trumbull and V. Kelly Turner

Stockton Rising

A Baseline Progress Report on Early Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Authors: Jason Karpman, Erin Coutts, Elena Hernandez, Bo Liu, Kelly Trumbull and V. Kelly Turner

Green Together

Year 2 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Authors: Erin Coutts, Dinan Guan, Elena Hernandez, Jason Karpman, Bo Liu, Kelly Trumbull and V. Kelly Turner

Ontario Together

2022 Progress Report on Implementation of the Transformative Climate Communities Program Grant

Authors: Jason Karpman, Erin Coutts, Elena Hernandez, Bo Liu, Kelly Trumbull and V. Kelly Turner

Keeping the Stove On

COVID-19 and Utility Debt in Communities Served by Southern California Gas Company

Authors: Paul M. Ong, Silvia González, Kelly Trumbull, and Gregory Pierce

Gas Bill Debt Disproportionately Burdens Low-Income Neighborhoods

As California’s utility shutoff ban ends, UCLA research shows where unpaid gas utility bills proliferated amid the pandemic.

Making Justice40 a Reality for Frontline Communities

Lessons from State Approaches to Climate and Clean Energy Investments

Authors: Colleen Callahan, Daniel Coffee, J.R. DeShazo and Silvia R. González

Symposium Convenes Climate Adaptation Experts Amid Intensifying Heat, Fires and Floods

With 24 virtual sessions, the symposium featured the research and expertise of 98 speakers across the social sciences, including economics, geography, public health, urban planning and public policy.