Edith de Guzman

Welcome to our new water equity and adaptation policy expert, Edith de Guzman

Learn more about her research advancing climate resilience and access to clean water and sustainable resources.

Luskin and partners awarded $4 million to assess California’s aging wastewater infrastructure

This first-of-its-kind study will inform policy and investment with a focus on providing equitable sanitation services
South Bay Aqueduct Santa Clara Terminal Reservoir

Metropolitan Water District and Its Local Resources Program

Implications for Regional Water Supply and Infrastructure Equity
Someone holding a glass of water under a running faucet.

Tap Water Distrust Among Parents and Caregivers in Kern County, CA

UCLA study highlights Latinos’ distrust of tap water and solutions that could improve consumption and use of tap water by residents.

Shining a light on hidden corners of environmental injustice

Catherine Coleman Flowers fights for the health and dignity of rural communities where water and sanitation systems are failing

New roadmap sets forth path toward comprehensively assessing the nation’s drinking water quality for the first time

UCLA Luskin researchers and Rural Community Assistance Partnership Incorporated plan to implement the recommendations over the next five years
A water tower labeled with the word "Everton"Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. (MAP) & RCAP

Considerations for a National Drinking Water Quality Compliance Assessment

The nation’s roughly 50,000 regulated community water systems…

Report: Variation in Household Water and Sewer Bills across 4 U.S. States

New 4-state study of drinking water and sewer service bill levels finds remarkably similar state averages but varying local expenditure burdens.

2022 Impact Report

Actionable Research for a Sustainable Future