Call for Abstracts: Climate Adaptation Research Symposium 2020
This symposium features research that seeks to measure the scale and scope of climate impacts, as well as how best to...

Park in USA Today: Heat Widens the Education Achievement Gap
Millions of American kids are preparing to go back to school during a time of record-breaking heat. For many...

Unequal Learning in a Warming World
Heat Reduces Student Learning, and Low-income and Minority Students are Affected Disproportionally

Transformative Climate Communities Evaluation Plan
A Road Map for Assessing Progress and Results of the First Round of Place-based Initiatives

Employment Benefits from California Climate Investments and Co-investments
Authors: J.R. DeShazo, Jason Karpman, Weilong (David) Kong,…

2017 IMPACT Report
This report highlights major research findings and other top…

2016 IMPACT Report
This report highlights major research findings and other top stories from the collaborative work of the Luskin Center in 2016.

Protecting the Most Vulnerable
A Financial Analysis of Cap-and-Trade’s Impact on Households in Disadvantaged Communities Across California