Learn more about our newest team member and her research

UCLA scholars will provide research-informed options to inform policy recommendations to rebuild, retrofit, and catalyze climate-resiliency investments.

Our experts are available to comment on: 1) water supply and urban water systems; 2) air quality and public health impacts; 3) land use and governance considerations; 4) politics of disaster and response; and 5) climate whiplash and extreme weather.

In the coming weeks, we will work with our colleagues at UCLA and partners across the region to help shape efforts that expedite recovery while advancing equity and resilience in our rapidly changing environment.

To engage and support 10 communities and tribal entities in determining the best strategies for local heat mitigation and management

Journeying through 15 years of impact, our priorities for the next few years, and opportunities to partner

The plastic pollution exposure crisis is an environmental justice issue.

With more than 170 researchers, practitioners, community members, and representatives from government and nonprofit organizations

A coalition of universities and community organizations aims to integrate justice principles into local efforts.

To help address historic underinvestment and protect against extreme heat

To increase water supply resiliency to climate-induced drought, earthquakes, and future costs

Art, education, and water collided in “What’s on Tap.”

This video highlights three CA Transformative Climate Communities leading comprehensive, collaborative, equitable, and innovative climate action.

Nuevos informes de UCLA documentan cómo las inversiones del estado en Transformative Climate Communities traen ganancias financieras para hogares, trabajadores y la economía local.

New reports from UCLA document how state investments in Transformative Climate Communities reap financial wins for households, workers, and the local economy.

LCI research team finds gaps in incentive uptake and EV registration rates in disadvantaged communities.

LCI project director calculates an associated economic impact of more than $430 billion.

Workshop informs key takeaways to build support for high-impact water affordability policies.

New engaged research builds on LCI’s past affordability recommendations.

LCI receives a first-of-its-kind federal grant to help protect communities from heat dangers.

Study co-authored by LCI faculty director links local journalism with voter support for investments critical for climate resilience.

LCI and civic partners share lessons on cooling strategies and community-led climate action.