UCLA teams up with LADWP for equitable solutions to reach 100% renewable energy
Researchers are lending their expertise to help make sure everyone in Los Angeles can benefit from the efforts

To relieve pressure of high energy bills, simplifying assistance programs is necessary
Study shows successes of energy savings programs, like targeted outreach and debt relief

California is making big, hyperlocal investments to fight climate change — and it’s working
New UCLA progress reports show how the Transformative Climate Communities program is improving the lives of Californians

Gas Bill Debt Disproportionately Burdens Low-Income Neighborhoods
As California’s utility shutoff ban ends, UCLA research shows where unpaid gas utility bills proliferated amid the pandemic.

Symposium Convenes Climate Adaptation Experts Amid Intensifying Heat, Fires and Floods
With 24 virtual sessions, the symposium featured the research and expertise of 98 speakers across the social sciences, including economics, geography, public health, urban planning and public policy.

Despite Federal Inaction, 100% Clean Energy is Becoming Reality Across the US
Gathering of policymakers, utility experts, advocates, & scholars from 30 states reflects growing momentum

Model Metropolis
How one university’s environmental initiative is transforming Los Angeles—and setting the standard for sustainability efforts around the world...

New Utility Model is Impacting How Millions of Americans Get Electricity
UCLA and National Renewable Energy Laboratory release first nationwide study on community...

Kevin de León Joins UCLA Luskin
Former state legislative leader who bolstered California’s role in fighting climate change and building a clean-energy economy will teach public policy...

UCLA Partners with OhmConnect on Electricity Demand Response Study
When and how much electricity is consumed matters for the environment. The electricity you consume...