High Tech, Deep Salt, and the Future of Fresh Water: How the Renewable Revolution Can Sustain the Last Free-Flowing Rivers

UCLA School of Law, Room 2442 385 Charles E Young Dr. East, Los Angeles, CA, United States

In an afternoon discussion, Jeff Opperman, Global Freshwater Lead Scientist at WWF, will describe how growing electricity demands and climate objectives can be achieved while avoiding high-impact hydropower’s negative impacts on the world’s remaining freeflowing rivers.

Net Zero 2019 Conference & Expo

Los Angeles Convention Center 1201 S Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 , United States

The world's largest net zero building conference

Summit on State & Local Progress Toward 100% Clean Energy

UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center 425 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This first-of-its kind, national summit will spotlight the latest progress and insights from leaders advancing and achieving the transformative goal of 100% clean electricity. The convening will facilitate peer-to-peer sharing of best practices. In attendance will be more than 200 invited national leaders, state legislators, city mayors, activists, regulators, and scholars.

Convening with Child Care Providers on Status of AB 2370

Salvation Army the Siemon Center 7651 South Central Ave., Los Angeles, CA, United States

RSVP Here Learn about and provide your feedback on AB 2370. AB 2370 is a new law that impacts licensed child care centers by requiring them to test their water for lead. Join First 5 LA, the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation, the Child Care Alliance, and other child care providers to learn about this […]


Energy Innovation Conference 2020

UCLA Anderson School of Management 110 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Through the Keynote speakers, panelists, and the Innovation Showcase, this event will highlight companies and technologies with the potential to reinvent the energy industry.

The Human Right to Water in LA County: A Luskin Innovators Series Event on Progress, Persistent Inequities, and Proposed Solutions

UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs Room 2355 337 Charles E. Young Drive East Los Angeles, CA 90095 , United States

Monday, March 2, 2020 | 6PM-8PM RSVP Here Join us to learn about the latest progress, persistent inequities, and proposed solutions to ensure the human right to water for everyone in Los Angeles County. Gregory Pierce, lead of the Luskin Center for Innovation's water research, will present on key findings from our latest assessment of […]

Luskin Summit 2020: A Call to Action


The UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs will wrap up its 25th anniversary celebration with the second convening of a research-informed, cross-sector conversation about major issues facing the Los Angeles region with the Luskin Summit. In light of the health crisis, this event will now be a virtual series of talks.