Our vision: Heat-resilient communities that protect people’s health and well-being where they live, learn, work, and play

Our work: We inform and lead new governance, policy, and program strategies to protect communities and populations vulnerable to extreme heat.

Big news! We have been awarded a first-of-its-kind federal grant from NOAA/NIHHIS to establish the nation’s first Center of Excellence for Heat Resilient Communities. We’re now reviewing applications to engage and support 10 communities and tribal entities in determining the best strategies for local heat mitigation and management. Learn more and check back here for updates.

Our Experts

Media Coverage

Our research is regularly covered in the news, including CNN, LA Times, NPR, NBC, and USA Today.

For media inquiries, contact Dr. V. Kelly Turner: vkturner@ucla.edu.

Our Research

Heat Governance & Policy

After identifying gaps in California’s programs and funds, we created policy briefs to guide an equitable and comprehensive approach to extreme heat. Now we are analyzing funding and policy best practices from across the nation, the federal government, and beyond. See research findings.

Urban Greening & Shade Infrastructure Planning

Most cities were not designed to mitigate heat. We are demonstrating how urban design affects people’s heat experiences and measuring the impact of shade in places such as homes, schools, and streetscapes. See research findings.

Actionable Data for Heat-Resilient Communities

Governments at all levels have much to do to respond to extreme heat. We are helping governments launch, evaluate, and use data-driven frameworks, tools, networks, and programs to support local heat planning and action. See research findings.