Transformative Climate Communities

Tracking groundbreaking community-led climate action

What: The California Transformative Climate Communities Program (TCC) is one of the most innovative, comprehensive, and equitable experiments in community-scale climate action. By granting over $200 million across historically disinvested communities, TCC empowers communities to choose and implement their vision, strategies, and projects – all with data-driven milestones and measurable outcomes.

Why: Funded by the state’s cap-and-trade program and administered by the California Strategic Growth Council, TCC implementation grants empower communities most impacted by legacy pollution to design and implement projects to advance clean transportation, affordable housing, renewable energy, energy efficiency, urban greening, and more.

Luskin Center for Innovation (LCI) Role: LCI developed a plan to evaluate TCC outcomes and is now documenting groundbreaking progress in six communities.

To replicate or verify our findings and methods, see LCI’s TCC Evaluation GitHub Repository for access to all the code developed for this evaluation.

Who Benefits: LCI is in six TCC communities to document progress and uplift stories of impact: Fresno, Ontario, Stockton, and the Los Angeles neighborhoods of Northeast San Fernando Valley, South Los Angeles, and Watts.

Click here to read the personal stories of individuals who have shaped — or been shaped by — the implementation of TCC.

With a $23 million award, Green Together works with residents to build a resilient community by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the local economy and improving public health in Pacoima & Sun Valley. @greentogether

Progress reports: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021

Click here to read about people who have shaped — or been shaped by — the implementation of Green Together.

With a $33.25 million award, Ontario Together is a community-driven movement to achieve measurable and sustainable neighborhood transformation through innovative implementation of greenhouse gas reduction projects. #OntarioTogether

Progress reports: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020

Click here to read about people who have shaped — or been shaped by — the implementation of Ontario Together.

The South LA Eco-Lab is receiving $35 million to transform South Los Angeles into a healthy, thriving neighborhood – one with lush green spaces, clean air, renewable energy infrastructure, and dynamic mobility options for pedestrians, bikers, and public transit.

This is a new initiative, so key accomplishments and progress reports are forthcoming.

With an $11 million award, Stockton Rising, a City-led program, aims to improve the environment and climate resilience of neighborhoods most impacted by climate change and poor environmental conditions. #StocktonRising

Progress reports: 2024, 2023, 2022

Click here to read about people who have shaped — or been shaped by — the implementation of Stockton Rising.

Transform Fresno received $66.5 million to identify and implement investments that will catalyze economic and environmental transformation in Downtown, Chinatown, and Southwest Fresno. #TransformFresno

Progress reports: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020

Click here to read about people who have shaped — or been shaped by — the implementation of Transform Fresno.

With a $33.25 million award, the Watts Rising Collaborative is implementing infrastructure projects to expand urban agriculture; access to healthy organic produce; provide more affordable and sustainable housing; increase low- and no-carbon transportation options; increase community green space; expand their tree canopy; and make their streets safer for walking and biking. @WattsRising

Progress reports: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020

Click here to read about people who have shaped — or been shaped by — the implementation of Watts Rising.


Photo credits: Green Together, LCI; Ontario Together, Omnitrans; Stockton Rising, Erin Scott; Transform Fresno, Chris De León, Fresno Metro Ministry; Watts Rising, California Climate Investments

News & Media Mentions

Our Latest Progress Reports

Green Together – 2024 Progress Report

Ontario Together – 2024 Progress Report

Stockton Rising – 2024 Progress Report

Transform Fresno – 2024 Progress Report

Watts Rising – 2024 Progress Report

Click here to read personal stories of individuals who have shaped — or been shaped by — the implementation of TCC.