California is making big, hyperlocal investments to fight climate change — and it’s working

New UCLA progress reports show how the Transformative Climate Communities program is improving the lives of Californians

A focus group member's illustrations of water include a glass of water, a flower in a vase, and a person showering. San Joaquin Valley tap water trust

Human Right to Water Solutions Lab researchers and collaborators spoke with residents in the San Joaquin Valley about their trust in tap water.

Person wiping forehead, hot in the sun California needs a people-focused and equity-driven approach to address extreme heat

New research aims to further inform the state’s heat planning, legislative and budget decisions

UCLA study offers strategy for freeway congestion pricing that reduces burden on low-income residents

UCLA transportation experts outline ways that California could implement congestion pricing while minimizing the financial burden on low-income residents

A large pile of plastic waste in a landfill Uncovering the perils of plastics

New analysis provides a comprehensive account of the health, economic and environmental harms associated with plastics.

Insights from an environmental pioneer

Mary Nichols, longtime champion of emission regulation in California, offers a roadmap toward a cleaner transportation future at a UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Lecture.

Supporting Community-Driven Consolidation Solutions Research with Partners

Human Right to Water Solutions Lab members are contributing to research that supports community-driven consolidations in California.

A headshot of Rae Spriggs outdoors in front of palm trees Meet Rae Spriggs, Our Climate Action Research Manager

Join us in welcoming Rae to the Luskin Center for Innovation team!

Who Is Making Decisions About Your Tap Water?

To address the pervasive lack of transparency in water governance, we launched the Los Angeles County Water Governance Mapping Tool.

New Solutions-Focused Lab Aims to Further Advance Access to Affordable, Safe Water

UCLA’s Human Right to Water Solutions Lab expands research across the country to support policy, advocacy and civic leadership.

Photo of Colleen Callahan Colleen Callahan Named Co-Executive Director of Luskin Center for Innovation

With more than a decade at UCLA, Callahan steps into a new position to further shape environmental solutions.

More Nuance Is Needed to Accurately Measure Extreme Heat in Cities

A research team led by V. Kelly Turner calls for more comprehensive urban heat data — an essential element of any strategy to cool cities down.

Join Our Team! We’re Hiring a Manager of Climate Action Research

We’re hiring a proactive, collaborative leader to facilitate climate action research and amplify its impact.

How Can California Protect Its Water Supply From Wildfire?

Stakeholders from across disciplines and institutions offer recommendations to ensure safe, reliable water supply amid a growing wildfire threat.

Gas Bill Debt Disproportionately Burdens Low-Income Neighborhoods

As California’s utility shutoff ban ends, UCLA research shows where unpaid gas utility bills proliferated amid the pandemic.

In foreground, red octagonal sign reads "STOP Extreme Heat Danger" - People walk near beach in background State can do more to protect Californians from extreme heat

Top environmental policy experts say a comprehensive approach is needed to deal with state’s deadliest global-warming side effect

LCI Aims to Help Shape President Biden’s Justice40 Initiative

Report by Luskin Center for Innovation provides framework for environmental justice in disadvantaged communities.

Image of heat mapping for Watts, LA Turner and Colleagues Receive Grant to Pinpoint Sources of Heat Injustice

Through modeling, data and storytelling, researchers will explore why historically redlined neighborhoods face extreme heat burdens today.

Researchers Call for Attention to ‘Heat Governance’ to Protect Those Most at Risk from Extreme Heat

V. Kelly Turner and coauthors outline necessary components of an equitable strategy to address extreme heat

Symposium Convenes Climate Adaptation Experts Amid Intensifying Heat, Fires and Floods

With 24 virtual sessions, the symposium featured the research and expertise of 98 speakers across the social sciences, including economics, geography, public health, urban planning and public policy.

High Temperatures Increase Workers’ Injury Risk, Whether They’re Outdoors or Inside

The finding reflects another consequence of climate change, according to new study led by R. Jisung Park of the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation and Luskin Public Policy